Buy Cannabis Intimate Products with Jointly for Enhanced Sensuality and PleasureTwo hands forming a heart shape against a background with cannabis leaves

Shopping for Cannabis Intimate Products with Jointly: CBD Suppositories, Infused Lube, and More

Are you looking to spice up your sex life and take your intimate experiences to new heights? Look no further than cannabis-infused intimate products. These products can provide enhanced sensations, increased relaxation, and even stronger orgasms. 

Intimate cannabis products are a growing segment of the cannabis industry, and you can find a variety of them on Jointly’s online cannabis marketplace. These products include everything from topicals and lubes to suppositories and edibles designed to enhance intimacy and sexual pleasure. Unlike traditional pharmaceuticals, cannabis-based intimate products offer a more natural and holistic approach to sexual wellness. They can help reduce discomfort and increase sensitivity, leading to a more enjoyable and fulfilling sexual experience. Whether you're looking to add a little spark to your love life or simply seeking relief from discomfort, Jointly offers a range of options to meet your needs.


Jointly's advanced algorithm matches you with the best products for your goals, using real user experiences and ratings. And our unbiased system ensures that no brand can influence their ratings. With Jointly, you can trust that you're getting the best products for your goals.

What are cannabis intimate products? 

Cannabis intimate products are infused with cannabinoids such as THC, CBD, and other legal cannabinoids. These products can be used to enhance sexual experiences, provide relaxation, and even alleviate pain or discomfort. Cannabis-infused lubricants, suppositories, arousal sprays, and massage oils are just a few examples of the types of products available.

How do cannabis intimate products work? 

Cannabinoids work by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system, which regulates various bodily functions, including pain and stress. When applied topically, cannabis-infused intimate products can increase blood flow and provide a warming or cooling sensation, depending on the product's formulation. This can lead to enhanced sensations and intimacy.

What are the benefits of using cannabis intimate products? 

Cannabis-infused intimate products have several benefits, including increased sensitivity and heightened sensations. They can also help alleviate pain or discomfort during sex, making the experience more enjoyable. Additionally, cannabis-infused products can help users relax and feel more comfortable, reducing anxiety and stress associated with sex.

Are cannabis intimate products legal? Cannabis-infused intimate products are legal in some states where cannabis is legal. However, it's important to check your local laws before purchasing these products.

How do you use cannabis intimate products? Cannabis intimate products can be used just like any other intimate product. Apply the product to the desired area and wait for the effects to kick in. Start with a small amount and wait for the effects to fully set in before applying more. It's also important to follow the product's instructions and not exceed the recommended dosage.

Can you buy cannabis intimate products on Jointly's online cannabis marketplace?

Jointly’s online cannabis marketplace offers a wide range of cannabis-infused intimate products that can be easily and discreetly purchased online. With our unique product matching process, you can find the right products to help enhance your intimate experience. We only sell legal, high-quality products from reliable producers, ensuring that you get the best possible experience. Plus, we offer discreet shipping right to your door, so you can enjoy your cannabis-infused intimate products without any hassle.

Cannabis-infused intimate products can provide enhanced sensations, increased relaxation, and stronger orgasms. Whether you're looking to spice up your sex life or alleviate pain or discomfort during sex, cannabis-infused intimate products are a great option. Visit Jointly’s online cannabis marketplace today and start exploring our wide selection of cannabis-infused intimate products.

What are cannabis suppositories?

Cannabis suppositories are small, cylindrical-shaped capsules that are inserted into the vagina or rectum. They are designed to deliver a localized and fast-acting dose of THC or CBD to the pelvic region. Cannabis suppositories have gained popularity among people seeking relief from menstrual cramps, endometriosis, pelvic pain, and other related conditions.

How do cannabis suppositories work?

When inserted into the vagina or rectum, cannabis suppositories dissolve and release their active ingredients, THC or CBD, directly into the bloodstream. The suppositories work by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network of receptors and molecules that regulates various physiological processes, including pain, mood, and inflammation. The cannabinoids in cannabis suppositories bind to these receptors, providing localized pain relief and relaxation.