Parents who use marijuana often face stigma, but new research suggests that ‘cannaparenting’ may have some benefits. As marijuana prohibition continues to crumble state by state, there has been a growing movement to destigmatize parental cannabis use. However, parents who use cannabis still face harsh judgment from society.
In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the myths about cannabis and parenting and discuss why it's important for parents to feel comfortable opening up about their cannabis use, as purposeful cannabis consumption can be an important part of a parent’s wellness routine. If you want to buy legal cannabis products, try shopping with Jointly's online cannabis marketplace to purchase legal cannabis products such as CBD, CBN, and more and have them shipped discreetly to your door!
Even though cannabis is now legal in many states, parents who smoke weed are often seen as bad role models or irresponsible caregivers. This damaging stigma persists due to the long-standing prohibition against marijuana cultivation, possession, and consumption, first enacted by the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937.
The passage of this landmark legislation led to many false beliefs about the effects of cannabis, such as the belief that cannabis makes parents neglectful or irresponsible. In addition, the 1936 propaganda film Reefer Madness played a role in the demonization of cannabis, attributing cannabis use to increased crime.
However, there is no evidence to support any of these claims and, instead, there is mounting evidence to the contrary. In fact, parents who use cannabis may be more conscientious and engaged with their children than their non-cannabis-using counterparts.
While most of the buzz has revolved around the growing number of 'cannamoms' who use cannabis as a parenting aid, there are also a growing number of 'cannadads' getting in on the action and breaking down the stigmas associated with marijuana use.
As a dad of four spirited kiddos, Surge Kulikov says daily cannabis consumption has given him freedom in the relief from PTSD and nerve pain since leaving the military.
According to Kulikov, cannabis provides him with amazing pain relief compared to highly addictive, drowsy-inducing opioids. He notes, "Being a parent is challenging enough, and it becomes even more difficult when the parent has their own medical issues. Pain alone can turn the kindest person into someone angry and miserable. Having the ability to move around without pain enables for more physical activities with the kids."
Aside from that, Kulikova describes how his cannabis use helps him have an imaginative time with his children. "Fort-building, pretend play, art activities, and even playing with Legos turns into awesome adventures. Games that parents felt they have outgrown become fun again. Simple games such as tag or hide and seek can be enjoyed pain-free."
In another case, Latrese Thomas, 40, an Oregonian mother of three, says she uses cannabis "the same way people do wine."
To help maintain balance and avoid being paranoid or 'stoned,' most cannaparents, including Kulikova and Thomas, use microdoses of cannabis – a small amount of cannabis or its extracts.
"The big misconception is we just smoke to get blazing high," jokes Thomas, the owner of the Releaf Health dispensary located in Portland, Oregon, and the author of the blog Living Unapologetically with Trese. "Well, no. I am still a mom. I still have to function. I still run a business. I still have to do pick-ups and drop-offs and attend practices."
Kulikova notes that microdosing is best for parents and recommends they consume only a little bit at a time. For example, if smoking, only smoke one or two puffs and allow a few minutes for the full effects to kick in. After that, evaluate how much more you'll need. If you consume too much, you can quickly become inebriated and have difficulty interacting with your child.
When it comes to achieving your goals with cannabis, dose is one of the most important factors to consider, if not the most important. Jointly's 15 Factors can help you understand how different aspects of your experience can impact you when using cannabis. Microdosing, in particular, can be a helpful technique for cannaparents who want to maintain balance and avoid feeling overly intoxicated. By starting with a small amount of cannabis and allowing time to evaluate the effects before consuming more, parents can effectively manage their cannabis use and still meet the demands of their daily lives.
During the coronavirus pandemic, Barinder Rasode, 53, felt her stress climb. Her three children, ages 28, 25, and 17, were impacted by COVID-19 restrictions, making it difficult for the Vancouver, British Columbia, mother to parent. Rasode, a former municipal politician turned CEO of medical-cannabis business incubator GrowTech Labs, says there's something particularly stressful about dealing with teens whose worlds have been turned upside down.
Cannabis is legal in Canada, so she used it to ease her frayed nerves. "Cannabis consumption helped ease my anxiety about the situation and made me a more patient parent," she says.
And the research suggests she's not alone.
The COVID-19 crisis brought many changes in the social landscape – a burgeoning remote work movement, a sharp economic downturn, and a new culture war that has become tiresome. Overnight, in quarantined homes across the country, people were suddenly lighting up amid global lockdowns and new ordinances.
And with the help of ongoing state-by-state legalization, newcomers joined the cannabis community, creating a new generation of weed consumers in the wake of the pandemic.
According to Headset, a cannabis data analytics company, statistics show that marijuana sales grew 120% in 2020 and an additional 61% in 2021 to the tune of $23.6 billion. Fortune estimated Americans spent $18 billion on cannabis products in 2020 - $7 billion more than in 2019.
Analysts predict that the trend will continue as cannabis becomes more culturally acceptable and legalized across the nation. That’s why it’s important to break down the stigma by educating people about the benefits of purposeful cannabis consumption.
A 2020 article published in the Journal of Cannabis Research found that stigmas persist even after legislation changes and increased cannabis use. According to the report, it may be premature to claim normalization has been achieved. Despite waning stigma around cannabis, there is no clear evidence that it has completely vanished.
For many parents, marijuana is a naturally effective tool for dealing with parenting stress. The results of a 2013 study seem to support this, demonstrating that cannabis users reported being more patient and present with their kids and less anxious in general.
Additionally, cannabis can help parents manage time and resources better due to its ability to improve focus and concentration.
Journalist and mother of two Danielle Simone Brand, 42, commented that using cannabis for wellness made her feel "better and more embodied, happier in my body and mind."
Brand further elaborated, adding, "cannabis helps me in certain transitional moments. I can more easily set aside my workday to-do list, along with whatever challenges and frustrations I've experienced that day, and get into the kind of headspace where I can patiently help with homework or make dinner with my daughter."
Simply put, cannabis can help parents be a better version of themselves. That's good news for everyone as cannabis may be the secret weapon for stressed-out parents.
Many modern cannaparents experiment with a wide range of ingestion methods other than inhalation. Nowadays, every cannamom and cannadad can find a product to suit their needs, from CBD-infused sparkling waters to discreet THC-infused gummies.
In addition, cannamoms and dads are taking to the kitchen, whipping up mouth-watering cannabis-infused treats made with rich homemade cannabutter and cannabis oils.
As a result of their ability to utilize the versatility of the cannabis plant, cannaparents help to break down the weed stigma by showing that responsible, hardworking, loving, and attentive parents can also be routine cannabis users.
Despite the growing availability of cannabis products, it can still be challenging for cannamoms and cannadads to navigate the vast array of options and find the ones that best suit their unique needs and goals. That's where Jointly Matches comes in.
Jointly Matches helps cannabis consumers find the right products and ingestion methods based on their preferences and desired experiences. With Jointly Matches, cannaparents can confidently explore the world of cannabis and find legal products that can enhance their health and well-being without compromising their ability to be great parents.
As marijuana becomes more mainstream, educating people about cannabis - its benefits and risks - will become increasingly important. One of the biggest challenges facing cannabis normalization is that many people still see it as a "party drug" rather than a wellness tool.
Kevin Cranford, a cannadad based in Baltimore, MD, remarked, "The best thing that cannaparents can do is get involved in advocacy in their state. Cannabis will continue to be stigmatized if we aren't out front on the advocacy." Cranford, a father of one child, is a leading cannabis advocate who founded SPLIMM, an online newsletter for cannaparents that offers support and information for families whose lives are enriched through cannabis use.
Social media has been particularly helpful in driving the de-stigmatization movement, especially for mothers who rely on cannabis. Countless mothers say they consume marijuana in their daily lives, including edibles, topicals, tinctures, and CBD products, and that it makes them better parents.
Anthropology professor at Western Illinois University and co-founder of the interdisciplinary minor in cannabis and culture, Heather McIlvaine-Newsad observed that several cannabis-related Facebook discussion pages have existed for quite some time. Currently, there are over two dozen similarly themed groups on Facebook, each with several thousand members and growing.
Cannabis can be a powerful tool to help manage the stresses of parenting and day-to-day life. Cannabis has some fantastic benefits - it can help us naturally relax, connect with others, and even improve our parenting abilities. But like anything else, it must be used responsibly and in moderation. And as research continues to explore the potential of this plant, we can only expect these benefits to grow.
Jointly is the cannabis discovery app that makes it easy to find and shop the best cannabis and CBD products for your goals. Your matches are calculated from the real product ratings and experiences from hundreds of thousands of people using the Jointly app.
If you're ready to discover new products and reach your goals, download the Jointly app today on the App Store or Google Play, or shop your matches on the Jointly website.
Whether you want to improve sleep, relieve daily stress, or just relax and refresh, Jointly can help you reach your goals with cannabis.
With Jointly, you can shop your top-rated products, and save lists of your favorites to share and bring to your local dispensary to help guide your shopping experience.
The Jointly app also helps you improve your cannabis experiences by uncovering what’s working and what’s not with reflections and personalized insights. In fact, the quality of your diet, how much you slept, who you’re with, and the time of day are just some of the factors that can impact your cannabis experience.
So if you're ready to find your best products and enjoy your perfect cannabis experience, download the Jointly app today on the App Store or Google Play, or shop your matches on the Jointly website. Discovery awaits.