Press Release: Jointly Matches Empowers Budtenders with Goal-Specific Product Insights

June 1, 2023
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Jointly Matches Empowers Budtenders with Goal-Specific Product Insights

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6, 2022

Jointly, the cannabis discovery company, today announced the launch of Jointly Matches, a first-of-its-kind, goal-based, data-driven cannabis shopping cart builder for the modern cannabis retailer.

This new software promises to increase revenue for retailers and make budtender training easier, all while helping retailers connect their customers with the best performing products for their goals.

Jointly Matches

"The work of the budtender is complex and multifaceted. Jointly Matches is here to make it easier. Budtenders are expected to be therapists, psychologists, pharmacists, educators, merchandisers, plant biologists, and guides to the consumer. All while being effective retail salespeople," explains David Kooi, Jointly's Co-Founder and CEO.

Cannabis is a complex plant that produces a variety of effects. The modern cannabis retailer often sells more than a thousand different products, each with unique characteristics.

"With Jointly Matches, retailers can empower their budtenders with goal-specific product performance insights. Insights packaged in an intuitive cart-builder, built so they can sell more cannabis to more people, more easily, and for all the great reasons why people consume," continues Kooi.

Using Jointly Matches, a budtender engages in a focused conversation about a customer's purpose and intention. Guided by the 12 goals that comprehensively cover the reasons why people shop for cannabis, they select from:

Relax & refresh, Relieve everyday stress, Improve sleep, Energize & uplift, Ease everyday pain, Enjoy social experiences, Focus, Create, Exercise, Stimulate appetite, Enhance intimacy, Exercise recovery.

"Utilizing our unique goal-specific product performance data, Jointly Matches recommends products that are best at providing the experience that people want," explains Kooi.

The recommendations are powered by Jointly's mobile app, where hundreds of thousands of cannabis enthusiasts reflect on their cannabis experiences and rate products for effectiveness, flavor, and aroma.

Jointly's product matching algorithm considers product ratings, the customer's goal, product type, cannabinoid content, strain, and more. No brand, grower, or manufacturer can pay for better ratings or to be a better match.

Retail owners, managers, and budtenders can view a demonstration of Jointly Matches here.

"Using Matches, retailers can send their customers home confident in their purchases - and ready for a good experience. We look forward to working with retailers to usher in a new era of purposeful cannabis consumption," adds Eric Gutshall, Jointly's Co-Founder and Chief Development Officer.

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